Author Interview with Carolyn Holland: Seeds of Transition: Book One - The Genesis Project

A Conversation with Carolyn Holland,
Co-Author of Seeds of Transition: Book One - The Genesis Project

Featured Author, Carolyn Holland
"Seeds of Transition: Book One - The Genesis Project"

ABB: Why did you feel you had to tell this story?
Carolyn: In writing Seeds of Transition, it was my hope that through an entertaining fiction work, I might be able to inspire people to think about the future of Agriculture, and to stop and realize; wow, this really is everybody’s problem. While our agriculture system is having a major impact on our environment, our environment is likewise having a major impact on agriculture. I think it is a reality that we are going to have to change the way we grow our food in the very near future.

ABB: Where do you get your ideas?
Carolyn: I gather ideas from everywhere, but many of the ideas for "Seeds of Transition" actually came from life experiences, for instance, in 1996 we experienced a weather event not too unlike the twin hurricane event that I write about in the book. Many other ideas came from the extreme weather events that we are experiencing all over the world today, so I would have to honestly say that current events were a great influence on Seeds of Transition.

ABB: Do you ever experience writer’s block and how do you overcome it?
Carolyn: I do indeed suffer from writer’s block from time to time. It can be frustrating to know where you want the story to go, but not know exactly how you should take it there. I find that the best way for me to overcome it is to take a walk in the woods behind my home and let my mind wander. Removing myself from the desk is usually the best cure, although it’s not always a quick one.

A writer with a deadline can experience panic during these moments and if I let it, the panic will take over and completely block any creative flow that might be dwelling under the surface. Stepping back and remembering that the “journey” is the most important thing, not the travel time, usually solves the problem.

ABB: What advice would you give to aspiring writers on the writing and publishing process?
Carolyn: I would advise anyone who has a desire to write to do so and to remember that they are their own worst critic. Surround yourself with people who support your effort, ask for their opinions and glean the best advice from what they say. Remember that everyone may not like what you have to say in your writings, but the important thing is how well you say it.

I wrote for many years without making any effort to publish. At the time, I told myself that it was enough to just have written it and that I didn’t need to publish. I was copping out. The truth is that I was afraid to publish. I was fearful of what the world might think of my ramblings, and since my words were dear to me, I didn’t want to open them up for criticism. I was wrong, words are meant to be shared.

I would advise an aspiring author to find a way to publish their work, and I would recommend that they find a publisher to do it. Publication is a complex process and requires a lot of knowledge. I’m not saying that a self published author can’t succeed, but what I am saying is that while he or she is working so hard to get their book in front of their public, they are not doing what they do best, which is writing.

ABB: If your book was made into a movie, who do you picture playing each part?
Carolyn: Well I would have to choose James Olmos to play President Abran Cruz Ramos.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan would be my first choice to play Bala Advani.

Aaron Paul would have to play Jax.

Robert Knepper would be the perfect choice for James Hilder.

Kal Penn would be my first choice to play Jarod Farra.


Seeds Of Transition: Book One - The Genesis Project is full of gripping adventure, psychological thrills, and emotional conflict from start to finish.

As the world’s population approaches 10 billion people, and severe weather extremes impact crop and livestock production, the demand for and price of food is rising. The American government, as well as other powerful individuals, find themselves looking for intelligent, albeit unlikely heroes in the world of academia.

Jarod Farra, a professor of agriculture at Cornell University, quickly finds himself at the forefront of both his longstanding dreams, and perhaps, some of his worst fears. Out of the turmoil and fear of an impending international food shortage, a range of characters come together to perform an experiment that will forever change the world as we know it, and provide new hope for generations to come.


About the Authors
Carolyn Holland grew up during the 70’s in the coastal wetlands of North Carolina in a small, rural fishing village. She married right after high school and started her family, in the same community where she grew up. Though life took her to other places, she lived in the Appalachians for a time and later in Alabama, she found herself drawn back to her roots in Coastal North Carolina. With her three children grown now, she resides there still with her husband James Holland, a retired US Marine.


Kef Hollenbach was born and raised in Kentucky, USA. Going into business management after graduating from university yielded an eclectic set of experiences ranging from production work to mid-level management to business owner.

The very proud parent of a son and daughter and husband to a deeply appreciated wife, Kef revels in learning new things and visiting new places. With a strong propensity for sharing, he strives to weave his experiences and what he has learned into all of his writing.


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